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17 February 2016

Features of AngularJS

·        AngularJS is a powerful JavaScript based development framework to create RICH Internet Application(RIA).
·        AngularJS provides developers options to write client side application (using JavaScript) in a clean MVC(Model View Controller) way.
·        Application written in AngularJS is cross-browser compliant. AngularJS automatically handles JavaScript code suitable for each browser.
·        AngularJS is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. It is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.

Overall, AngularJS is a framework to build large scale and high performance web application while keeping them as easy-to-maintain.
Following are most important core features of AngularJS −
·        Data-binding − It is the automatic synchronization of data between model and view components.
·        Scope − These are objects that refer to the model. They act as a glue between controller and view.
·        Controller − These are JavaScript functions that are bound to a particular scope.
·        Services − AngularJS come with several built-in services for example $http to make a XMLHttpRequests. These are singleton objects which are instantiated only once in app.
·        Filters − These select a subset of items from an array and returns a new array.
·        Directives − Directives are markers on DOM elements (such as elements, attributes, css, and more). These can be used to create custom HTML tags that serve as new, custom widgets. AngularJS has built-in directives (ngBind, ngModel...)
·        Templates − These are the rendered view with information from the controller and model. These can be a single file (like index.html) or multiple views in one page using "partials".
·        Routing − It is concept of switching views.
·        Model View Whatever − MVC is a design pattern for dividing an application into different parts (called Model, View and Controller), each with distinct responsibilities. AngularJS does not implement MVC in the traditional sense, but rather something closer to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). The Angular JS team refers it humorously as Model View Whatever.
·        Deep Linking − Deep linking allows you to encode the state of application in the URL so that it can be bookmarked. The application can then be restored from the URL to the same state.
·        Dependency Injection − AngularJS has a built-in dependency injection subsystem that helps the developer by making the application easier to develop, understand, and test.

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